Saturday, August 4, 2012

Best Friday Ever! Happy Wife

So yesterday was friday, which already typically means a good day! But right as i got to work I got a returned call from my husbands Chief in Charleston. I got a paper with a number to call for information and its actually someone helpful on the other end! He confirmed all of the things i needed to know and told me all about the move! I slept so well last night because i wasnt worried at all! He was so funny and nice, then he gave me another number to call and give another guy a heads up and tell him that we are coming! So then i called him and he was like there is no wait list for base housing right now! You will get right in! THANK GOD! I told him i was concerned because im starting a new job and he was like congratulations and told me how wonderful it is that im working and that ill be a huge support to my Hubby! Then i got my butt back to work and right at 12 noon sharp, my phone rang with a Chicago Area code! My honey was finally calling, second call in 2 months! I was soo excited! We actually got to talk for about 40 min and he was just filling me in on how its going and everything, we talked about how the move was going to go. He is so smart and i am so proud of him! This is the call they get after their final test! Affectionately called the "Im a Sailor" Call.  He is pretty much just hanging out for the remainder of the time! Im so close, i feel like the closer it gets, the harder it is! When he first left it was like, he is going to be gone awhile, so better just sit tight. But when i know its just a few short days away, i can barely focus on what needs to be done!! Now my panic has really worn off and now its pure excitement! I cant wait for our new life and this big adventure! Things are getting better by the minute! If your planning on being married to someone in the service.. Do your own research and be very organized! Make sure if the recruiters use the phrase "Ill get you a number of someone who can find out for you" or "Let me look into that" Go to your commanding officer of the station or jump online! And anytime your given a number to get some information, call it! And when it comes to moving! Hubby gets 1 day to load the truck and 1 day to unload on either end. So have everything packed before, then your sailor can enjoy that one day with his family! :) The Navy is wonderful so far! I am loving every minute of it. My husband is happy and got the exact rate he wanted, base housing is locked down, new job to start right away, weekends off together in a beautiful new city, and a great start to our marriage! Being apart really makes you appreciate the smallest things about the other person. I learned to not sweat the small stuff and to live my life to make my hubby happy, because he lives his for my happiness. He is completely selfless and i need to take some lessons! :)

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