Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Funday?

So its Sunday, and im being lazy! Sundays used to consist of Costco, the dog park, shopping, and other fun things... Now i sit and watch Jersey Shore reruns and eat peanut butter with a spoon! lol BUT, thats going to change soon! Its getting so close to Pass in Review! I cant wait to fly to chicago! My flight schedule is pretty sweet, but i paid a pretty penny for it! I fly out of here at 6 am on thursday morning and land in Chicago at 2:09pm! So i have the afternoon to waste time in Chicago and then drive to great lakes! Its about an hour to the RTC from Chicago O'Hare. My Hotel is about 1 mile from RTC! If i didnt pack the highest heels i have, i would walk lol. But no i rented a car, i pick up the car when i land and then i have it all weekend so we can bum around Chicago! There is a six flags not too far from the RTC! Hubby has all day friday, but has to report to the Airport at 3 am! But im allowed to be with him at the airport. SUPPOSEDLY they give you a gate pass, which is a special consideration, to spend more time with the Sailors. Then i fly out at Noon on Saturday and land at 5pm. Super awesome flight times. Get there early, Leave there late! :) I didnt write yesterday because i had one of those inevitable bad days. Great Day at work, everything went down hill after that. I got off work, no letter in my mailbox, then i had to say goodbye to my BEST friend who had come up to stay the night with me. So the waterworks were on after that, then drove to my inlaws and some idiot slammed on his brakes and caused me to spill my drink all over my car. And not just dribble on my dress i mean splattered on my windshield and covered my legs. Really Awesome! Then i went to dinner and came home. I, unfortunately, turned on the movie "My Sister's Keeper" really stupid idea. So then it got the tears started and i turned into a mess temporarily. HAHA! But now I have celebrated my pity party and Im going to spend some of my Husbands hard earned money today! WOO! Have a wonderful Sunday!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Everything is for sale! lol

I finally sold my dang headboard! The lady was like are you selling other stuff, and i said Um Ya! Like everything lol. BUT she doesnt have dogs so 90% she wasnt interested in. Kitchen table is taken apart and all my stuff is piled in a corner. And my carpets are cleaner than when i moved in! Im trying so hard not to buy groceries, but its hard to make a meal out of some veggie burgers, a slim fast shake, a packet of hollandaise sauce, and some salad dressing lol! So im trying to be creative. I still have some major packing to do, seeing as i have a serious clothing addiction! So im trying to pack up a bunch of stuff that i wear less often and do some laundry so i can get throw blankets and dogs beds all clean. I need to scrub the bathroom and kitchen.  Tonight i plan on eating.. then taking down our makeshift dresser in our room. I finally made a goodwill run, which im sure there will be more. I wish i could have a garage sale! But im in a apartment... So that is a lost cause. 13 days and 9 hours until i fly to chicago! Im so antsy! I put in my two weeks notice at my branch here! Ill be out of      work for about 3 weeks! Yikes! So i better start the penny pinching now! Hopefully I wont need to buy much since im leaving. Booked my moving truck today! Tentatively for the 15th of August! Anyone who knows how this stuff works, knows that is subject to change. I also have a tentative start date at my new branch! August 29th! Woohoo! Im starting to panic a little. Just because it seems to be going to smoothly, something must go wrong right? Well im conjuring up as much good Karma as I can! .....Brief pause as i ransack my house for a dog water dish that is supposed to go with a crate im selling, but i believe Goodwill may be the proud new owner of that! Crap! Oh well. Anyways off to finish cleaning my home! There is trash to be taken and space bags to be vacuumed! Wish me luck and a quick and easy meal! :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Back home!

Went to my home town for the weekend! Had a blast! Saw my two best friends, had some great times! I back now and feeling the pressure! The dates are always so unsure! My hubby will be back either wednesday the 15th or the next wednesday! So i cant really set anything in stone until like right before! This whole navy endeavor is really teaching me some patience i am learning to just go with the flow, and when the flow sucks and the current tries to take me down stream, I paddle like hell! :) I told myself i wouldnt buy any more crap, since im pretty well packed, BUTTTTT i came home with an awesome new coffee table, a statue of a basset hound (NOODS) and a bunch of new clothes. DANG! Oh well :) This is going to be a crazy week! I put in my 2 weeks on wednesday! and then i go to chicago the day after my last day for graduation! Cant wait to see Hub! He wrote me this weekend and he got the rate he wanted as well! Machinist Mate? No clue what that is, but im proud! Until tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Its the Final Countdown Ba da da daaa

So today i did a whole lot of nothing! :) I worked until 6, but that pretty typical, then i went tanning! That was the most relaxing 12 min i have had in like 2 months! lol I am pretty packed for the most part. Just need the truck! I am realizing the time is closer than i thought. Because i have 4 week exactly, minus 3 days in my hometown, 3 days in chicago, working the other 2 saturdays on top of 40 hour work weeks! I dont feel as silly packing so early. My goal is to have this place packed and waiting by the door by the time my hubby rolls in. The reason being, he has 1 day, ONE DAY, to pack and hit the road, i really dont want to see him waste one day walking up and down our stairs. I would much rather see him having a beer with his dad and relaxing. I will have the moving truck packed and outside our house the day before he gets here. That way he can just relax! :) Nicest wife EVER! I am still working on packing up my closet. I have some more space bags (Muhahaha) but i like having options, so i gave up silverware instead lol. My goal right now, STOP BUYING MORE CRAP! Wish me luck!

Busy busy busy

Anyone who knows me can attest for this. I tend to jump the gun, lol but for a move across the united states. I feel like packing couldn't start soon enough... Unfortunately I'm very efficient with packing these days. So therefore I am almost completely packed. And I have 3 weeks lol. I still have some stuff to go donate and try to sell, but for the most part stuff is ready to toss into the truck! Thank god for my father in law, taking care of booking the moving truck and trailer to tow the jeep. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to pack my mass amounts of shoes!! I tried to fill my suitcase.. I got like 4 pairs of my 50! Haha so on to the next idea. We have to drive a min of 350 miles a day, but we plan on pushing through and having some time on the sc end to get settled. I start my job the last week in August (tentative) so wish me luck on having a stress free last few weeks!! Going to my home town for the last time this weekend! Can't wait to see my friends!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Reality is setting in

Oh Man! I know my blog is usually so positive...But i am starting to freak out a little! Im working like a mad man, packing, trying to figure out whats going on with my apartment, and trying to figure out a start date for my job! I am a little flustered and focusing is really hard! I miss my husband so much and its really started to get hard. He really balances me out. This time next month i will already be on my way to the east coast! Although i am so excited for our new adventure. I find that im running into the "last time" factor. The last time ill be visiting my family and friends from home. The last time ill be at my parents house and hanging out with them. The last time my roommate and i go out to our favorite show at the bar. Every time i am having fun, i feel this way. I am semi packed at the house. Just getting rid of a few last items. Found out that we have to have all of the money to move, and then we will get reimbursed for all expenses. Hubby has one day of leave for every 350 miles traveled. So we will have to power pack the truck. Im just trying to keep in mind the positives. I have a wonderful husband, Im moving with my best friend, I get to see all new things, I get to live by the beach :), I have a job over there, My husband has a wonderful opportunity, I get to road trip cross country, and I get to start a new life (my way, no influences) Making my own happiness :)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Moving so soon!

Things are creeping up!! My last day at my branch is the 8th holy moly!! Cleaned the crap out of our car today to avoid getting in trouble with my husband when he gets back!! I'm so nervous but also so excited! Missing my husband :) need to start packing tomorrow!! My days off to pack are getting limited!! Got my new camera day and trying to figure it out enough to use it for our cross country trek! Booking the moving truck this week! Crossing my fingers for a back yard at our new place :)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Moving Update!

Good and bad news! I got a letter from Kenny today (good news) and found out i get to see him sooner (better news) BUT.. I am moving sooner than expected! I return from Chicago on the 11th in the evening time, Kenny will arrive in portland on wednesday! We will be leaving the next day. We will be leaving Eugene on August 16th. He will have our house by the time he gets back to Eugene! I have to pretty much be packed by then. I have already started packing the stuff i dont use much, and i am also slimming down our stuff. Seeing as though we have accrued a lot in the last few years! Needing to donate a bunch of dog stuff lol! Spoiled girls! And going through some old clothes. Im so ready to be with my Hubby again! Being apart makes you take a second look at a relationship :) In a great way! I am buying a new camera tomorrow, a fancy pants one at that! So be on the lookout for lots of pictures! :) Hope you all had a great friday! Hasta Manana!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Say hello to the newest Banker in SC

Today I found out I got the job in charleston! Yay!!! One less stress! So excited for all these new opportunities! Getting closer and closer to graduation!! I fly out in 28 days! This is all becoming very real! I'm so excited to share my good news with my Hub!! Everything is falling into place! Let's hope for a great day tomorrow an a great weekend ahead. Shopped for a dress for graduation tonight, came out with 3 dresses, a necklace, a green pair of pants, and 3 tank tops! Lol

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Military ID card or Mugshot?

My military ID photo is worse than any drivers license photo i have ever seen! FYI Smile in the photo. I was not so sure, so i just sat there. HA! Any wives going into this.. Make sure your ID is changed into your married name. Really easy process though! I thought it would be a large ordeal, so i was waiting there at the crack of dawn and i was out in 15 min! 29 days until i get to see my hubby! The whole basic training experience has been a new one for us! But we are coping with it and trudging on! Halfway mark! My goal with this blog is to put out there how things happen.  I know i have been so anxious with this process and would have liked a play by play from someone in my position! So i'm hoping to give some one some peace of mind! I have an extremely positive attitude about the move and this new lifestyle! I have heard that this can be a fun lifestyle or a hard one, all depending on your attitude! So therefore i have made the decision to make this a fun life! I want to see new things and go on adventures with my best friend! I will blog as we go! Ill keep this updated with move information, housing, and resources! I have done ALOT of research and asked a lot of questions! Feel free to comment with questions! I will get back asap! No Negative Nancys! The Navy is a great opportunity and has been a life saver for us!